Gosh if this year isn’t just getting away from me! How can it be that tomorrow is September?
Here in the UK, it feels like we haven’t even had summer yet, though some years it just doesn’t come at all. So i have decided to roll with it and throw myself into planning for Autumn. It’s cliche now, but I was mad about Autumn long before Insta made it a thing.
I love Autumn; Especially September and October. while the calendar may say January is the start of a new year; for me September always represents the most lovely of clean slates .
The weather is still mild, nature is bursting into its final flush of colour, children are back at school and even as grown-ups there is the feeling that in September we can begin afresh.
Armed with a new notebook, black tights, and slouchy knee-high boots I enter into a new season full of optimism, with renewed energy to accomplish my personal and professional goals.
And that’s another summer holiday been and gone. Planning for back to school for three is a major operation. Many shopping trips, repeat visits when the first lot doesn’t fit..grr! and many evenings spent sewing on name labels etc and this year the eldest moves up to secondary which means extra supplies as well.
In the home
the mission this month has been freshening up the living room, a change of curtains, a new rug and thorough de clutter.
The garden has finally sprung into life, with sunflowers, hollyhocks and daisies.
Hopefully with japanise laterns and pumpkins to come in the next month.
Here at oliveandalma.com, I’m my Second ebook Scrumptious Ideas for Autum will be released on Friday 8th September! with 101 ideas for making the most of your home this season. I really hope you enjoy it.
What I’m loving: September edition.
Grey Cashmere roll-neck jumper, denim skirt, and knee-length boots.

gold earings £9.99.New Look denim skirt £30.00 New Look, Rool Neck Jumper
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